Fortis Hospitals, Bengaluru brings vaccines to your doorstep
Ties-up with RWAs and corporates in the city to enable on-site vaccination camps

Bangalore: Considering the lockdown situation and a surge in COVID19 cases, Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore has stepped forward to roll out vaccination camps in various Resident Welfare Association (RWAs) and Corporates across the city. The sole aim of this community benefit camp is to vaccinate as many citizens, in view of long wait time for the vaccines, while also continuing the vaccination drive at the hospital.
RWA and corporate vaccination camps will be led by a team comprising of doctors, nurses, document verifiers, billing personnel, support staff, along with a well-equipped ambulance.
Dr Manish Mattoo - Zonal Director- Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore, said, “Patient safety is our top most priority, through this drive we aim to inoculate people at their doorsteps as we understand their hesitancy in visiting hospitals. Initially, we had planned to conduct vaccination camp only in our immediate neighborhood, however, we have received requests from RWAs and Corporates from across the city. Hence, we are rolling out camps in 30 corporates and 31 RWAs starting today. Additionally, we are collating the vaccine requirement of RWAs and Corporates, which will be done in phase 2 in June. Similar to our in-house vaccination drive, our teams will follow all the COVID19 safety protocols at the community camps as well.”