Four-weeks Faculty Induction Programme
A four-weeks Faculty Induction Programme, for in-service training of newly inducted Assistant Professors of colleges and universities was organized by the UGC-Malaviya Mission Training Centre (UGC-MMTTC), Panjab University (erstwhile Human Resource Development Centre, PU).

Chandigarh, January 12, 2024: A four-weeks Faculty Induction Programme, for in-service training of newly inducted Assistant Professors of colleges and universities was organized by the UGC-Malaviya Mission Training Centre (UGC-MMTTC), Panjab University (erstwhile Human Resource Development Centre, PU).
The valedictory programme included address of, the Honorable Vice-Chancellor of Panjab University, Prof Renu Vig, the chief guest and distribution of certificate to the participants by her.
During her address she stated that teachers can only command respect from the students if they are good teachers. Teaching is not only reading from the text books but taking care of the holistic development of the students. We should remember our own student days so that we are sensitive to the needs and desires of the students. Students have a wide range of activities, they have studies, extra-curricular activities and their own life issues. The teachers should be aware of their problems. She also encouraged the participants to use learner-centric methods.
Twenty-one participants from states of Kerala, Gujarat, Assam, Panjab, Haryana, Himachal and Chandigarh attended the FIP.The course included discussion on themes of pedagogy, MOOCs, Indian constitution, National Education Policy-2020, e-content development, emotional intelligence and contemporary issues. The participants stated that the course being offline was very interactive and participatory and has opened new vistas for them.
Prof. Anju Suri, Director, UGC-MMTTC welcome the chief guest and briefed about the induction programme. She thanked the participants for choosing the Panjab University Centre for their professional development. She also expressed her gratitude to the Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University, for her words of wisdom addressed to the participants.