Fourth day of seven-day long workshop on text Dhvanyaloka
Importance of Sanskrit, poetics and sensitivity explained

Chandigarh: Importance of Sanskrit, Poetics and Sensitivity explained on fourth day of seven-day long workshop on the text Dhvanyaloka in which Prof. Upendra Rao from J.N.U New Delhi and Prof. Meera Dvivedi from Delhi University gave lectures.
Prof. Rao in his sessions explained that imagination and creation of poet is more extensive than that of Brahma. He told that Karuna Rasa is dominating rasa in Valmiki’s epic Ramayana while Shanta rasa is dominant in Mahabharata. According to him, because of no possibility of reunion of Rama and Sita, this “Karunya” is permanent. He said, Acharya Abhinavagupta has explained in his Lochana commentary of the text that through the studying and practicing poetics, mind is purified. Prof. Rao said that it is not difficult to attain erudition but it is rare to be able to become exemplary poet. He stressed upon the need of studying poetics in present world as it brings sensitivity.
Prof. Dvivedi elaborated the literary and grammatical aspects of the text exclusively. She said that Vyanjana is of two types, i.e. Aarthi and Shabdi Vyanjana. She told that there are three conditions in which Sarvanam can be directly applied in Sanskrit Literature. She explained verses of Dhvanyaloka with very interesting historical and literary examples.