Future Perfect: Kidzpreneur’s ‘fail to learn’ program transforms ways India nurtures entrepreneurship
Kidzpreneur’s Learnings are a mix of activity-based training and real interaction with entrepreneurs, investors, angels, and innovators

Mumbai: Kidzpreneur, a unique and transformative learning platform for students 10+ onwards and is an initiative by Innoscale Global Foundation, has launched an innovative programme – ‘Fail to Learn’ to promote entrepreneurship among young minds. The program focuses on shaping ideas, team building, validation tools, investments & negotiations soft skills. The goal is to catch them young and lead them towards analytical and logical thinking while executing their ideas.
“We aim to support selective smart ideas that show promise for business aptitude by investing real money and give our own experience and practical exposure with the financial freedom to execute under our ‘fail to learn’ program,” says Shishir Miglani, Founder, Kidzpreneur who is a serial entrepreneur, technology proponent and believer in the prowess of technology.
Kidzpreneur was founded by young and innovative entrepreneur Shishir Miglani, Amit Mishra, and Monika Miglani. The founders believe in hands-on learning and to create that environment we implement simulation or real-time scenarios coupled with gamification of critical management lessons for effective learning. This is achieved with a sound amalgamation of technology and creative ideas to improve on learning that students can practice in the real world too.
With a purpose-designed mission – ‘We Coach, You Pitch, We Invest,’ the startup company-Kidzpreneur invests in teams with promising ideas and even at the cost to failing. The company is motivated to bridge the gap of future thought leadership globally. It is a unique initiative where learning is not just limited to classes though students are encouraged and money is invested to bring their ideas, dreams and innovation to real life.
“We intend to offer a sense of financial freedom and strength of trying without fear of failure. We empower them to succeed, we support failure, as they improve the spirit of entrepreneurship and should be respected. Our Programme – Fail to Learn-especially focuses on this,” adds Co-Founder Amit Mishra who is also an entrepreneur and enabler in the Indian startup ecosystem for almost a decade.
Kidzpreneur learnings are essentially a mix of activity-based hours including real interaction with entrepreneurs, investors, angels, innovators and ecosystem players to help students build networks at a younger age.
Once the skilling is over Kidzpreneur helps young talents to come up with innovative ideas, that it gets them to pitch. “Good ideas get investment from us and we help them bring these ideas to life in the real world. If the students/team so wishes to continue. We bring them directly to our government recognized accelerator and promote further,” says Shishir.
Kidzpreneur primarily focuses on transformative development in education using an entrepreneurial mindset and technology.