Gadkari with “special request” communicates with MPs; Invites to join in saving lives on roads
Sanjeev Arora MP assures action

Ludhiana, January 17, 2023: Sanjeev Arora, MP (Rajya Sabha) responding to a communication received by him assured the Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari that he will take forward this initiative and make sure road accidents and casualties are minimized.
The opening paragraph of Gadkari’s letter sent with “special request” reads: “Road crashes in India claim more than 150,000 lives each year and leave over 450,000 seriously injured or permanently disabled. They are now the leading cause of death in the productive age-group of 15-45, leaving lakhs of families emotionally and economically vulnerable each year. The issue of road safety demands sensitivity, persistence, and targeted efforts to induce a behavioral change among drivers, road-owning agencies, enforcement officials and bystanders. I have accorded the highest priority to this issue, and I invite you to join me in helping save lives.”
Giving this information here today, Arora said that the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH), Government of India is already observing the Road Safety Week (RSW) to propagate the cause of safer roads for all. This initiative is bringing together all stakeholders and the public through various events and activities.
Arora asserted that there is a need for training of citizens and police personnel in life-saving skills, public function about the good Samaritan law to encourage people to help road crash victims and zero-tolerance enforcement drive by police and RTO to curb unsafe driving.
Further, Arora said he is committed to ensure continuous efforts in this direction as asked by the Union Minister in his letter, inviting him to implement the "T.E.A.M." (Target-Evidence-Action-Measure) approach to road safety in the state of Punjab- along with stakeholders at different levels including District Magistrate, Zila Parishad and Gram Panchayat.
Elaborating the "T.E.A.M." approach to road safety, Arora said T stands for Target (Set a target for DM to ensure 50% reduction in road crash fatalities in 2 years); E stands for Evidence (Ensure audit of major roads and scientific investigation of all fatal crashes); A stands for Action (Push for rectification of blackspots and high-fatality zones; undertake enforcement focused on speeding, illegal parking on the road, drinking & driving, and non-usage of safety gear and place ambulances at strategic locations); and M stands for Measure (Ensure monthly progress report from DM towards the target of 50% reduction in road crash deaths).
Further, Arora said as per directions of the Union Minister he will support in regularly organizing meetings of the District Road Safety Committees and following up with the District Administration regarding the same at regular intervals.
Arora thanked Gadkari for sending out this communication and assured that he will make his all-out efforts in saving lives on roads by implementing the “TEAM” approach. At the same time, he hoped that people of Punjab will also extend their full support for success of this task.