GHG Khalsa College Gurusar Sadhar player got selected for Asian Games Camp
Abhishek Jambwal, a student of GHG Khalsa College Gurusar Sadhar, got selected for Asian Games Camp in the sport of Wushu

Ludhiana, January 19, 2022: Abhishek Jambwal, a student of GHG Khalsa College Gurusar Sadhar, got selected for Asian Games Camp in the sport of Wushu. Before this achievement, he also won two International Medals, thirteen National Medals and ten State Medals in the same sport. Total Five players of 'Wushu' were selected from all over India for the camp. One of these players will represent India in the upcoming Asian Games. The College Management Committee and the College Principal, Dr. Harpreet Singh congratulated Abhishek Jambwal, and wished him all the best for the next competition. Head of the Department, Prof. Tejinder Singh, Dr. Baljinder Singh, Dr. Sunita, Dr. Arun Kumar, Prof. Inderjit Singh and Prof. Vinod were also present on the occasion.