God supports when all other doors get closed: Sudhanshu Maharaj

Panchkula, November 11, 2022: Take the help of God and stay devoted in your mind. We have to live like a warrior in the struggle of life. No one else will recognize your glory, you have to recognize it yourself. Do such deeds that shine your name. You have to be your own light. Do not take big decisions under stress or trouble, they can go wrong. It is mentioned in Gita that happiness comes with the grace of God. The founder of Vishwa Jagriti Mission, Shri Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj said these lines on the second day of the Bhavya Bhakti Satsang being held at Shalimar Maidan, Sector 5, Panchkula today.
The spiritual master said that people can gather the means of happiness, but those things do not bring peace, while it is very important to have mental peace. When there is peace in the mind, smile appears on the face. Peace will come with the grace of the God. When a person learns to sleep peacefully and wakes up happily, then his life starts changing.
Haryana Gau Seva Aayog Chairman Sarwan Kumar Garg, Member of Lok Sabha from Haryana Ratan Lal Kataria, Saurabh Gupta, President of Vishwa Jagriti Mission (Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali Mandal), Nand Kishore Goel, Patron, Manoj Shastri, Y.R. Munjal, N.K. Arora, and I.J. Jasra were also present on the occasion.
Sudhanshu Maharaj said that whenever life is full of difficulties, then our heart, mind and body are tested. In such a time, we should have courage in our hearts. In difficult times, everyone closes doors and only God supports us. When the storm comes, you should have faith in God.
The Bhakti Satsang organized by Vishwa Jagriti Mission, Panchkula, Chandigarh and Mohali Mandal will continue till November 13. Satsang timings are 9 am to 11 am and 5 pm to 7 pm daily.