Governor of Punjab released book titled “Delineation of Health and Health System: Mechanistic Approach of Covid 19”
The book elaborately discusses the organ-specific systemic manifestations of COVID-19

Chandigarh, February 14, 2022: His Excellency Shri Banwari Lal Purohit, the Governor of Punjab and Administrator of Chandigarh today at Raj Bhawan, Punjab today released a book entitled “Delineation of Health and Health System: Mechanistic Approach of Covid 19” compiled by Prof. (Dr.) R.C. Sobti(Retd.) Former Vice Chancellor Panjab University, Chandigarh and Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedker University (Central) Lucknow. He is presently a Senior Scientist, Indian National Science Academy (INSA) and his associates Dr Dhalla from Canada, DR Watanabe from Japan including Dr. Aastha Sobti from Lund University, Sweden which is published by M/s Springer. Dr (Mrs) Vipin Sobti was also present.
The book elaborately discusses the organ-specific systemic manifestations of COVID-19. The initial chapters convey the current knowledge on the origin and evolution of the pathogenic corona viruses, followed by pathogenesis and immune response during COVID-19 infection. This book also provides insight into the role of hACE2 in the onset of the detection of the SARS-CoV2 and its variants, coded by World Health Organization in human samples for guiding management strategies as well as appearing of disease in fresh waves. Many countries have passed through second wave and there is onset of third and even fourth in some of them. It also discusses the COVID 19 as a multiorgan syndrome, besides highlighting the strategies of development of various vaccines detailed discussion on rhino mucomycosis. All the relevant aspects besides other health related issues have been discussed in individual chapters of this book. His excellency appreciated the book and complimented about the hard work put in by Dr Sobti in bringing out such a book on the contemporary issue.