Group Discussion on ill-effects of drugs on society and the self
PCM S.D College for Women, Jalandhar organised Group Discussion on the ill-effects of Drugs on the Society and the Self.

Jalandhar, September 4, 2023: PCM S.D College for Women, Jalandhar organised a Group discussion on the ill-effects of drugs on the society and the self under the Buddy Programme being run in the college as per the direction of the Govt. of Punjab and with the assistance of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of the college. Drug abuse has been Punjab’s constant concern and burden and youngsters are most vulnerable to this malpractice. Fulfilling its responsibility towards the society, PCM S.D College has pledged to fight against this evil practice under the Buddy program. In the series of endeavours in this regard, a group discussion on the ill-effects of drugs was held wherein approximately thirty students had a healthy and detailed discussion on how drug abuse adversely affects the social fabric of the society as well as physical, mental and emotional health of the individual. The purpose of this activity was to generate awareness among students regarding drug abuse who wholeheartedly participated by presenting their views on the topic.
President Naresh Budhia, Senior Vice President Vinod Dada, the other members of the Managing Committee and the Principal of the college Prof. Dr. Pooja Prashar encouraged all the students to keep participating in such activities and motivated them to keep spreading awareness in the society against the meance.
The Principal also lauded the efforts of the Nodal Officer and the other members of the college Buddy Program for organising the activity.