Group of students witness weapons display

Group of students witness weapons display

Ferozepur, November 27, 2021: On the occasion of upcoming 57th Raising Day of Border Security Force a group of students along with teaching staff visited 22 Bn BSF, Ramtirath and Rajatal Border under Amritsar Sector to witness Weapons display. On this occasion a BSF Documentary film was also shown to them besides students were briefed about role and task of Force and border domination.
Teachers and students also visited BOP M W Uttar in Ferozepur  Sector, 52 Bn HQr, in Abohar Sector and at ICP DBN Kartarpur Corridor (Darshan Sthal) in Gurdaspur Sector, where students were briefed about role & duties of Force and a weapon exhibition  BSF documentary was also shown to them.  
These programmes were organized to motivate children and to drive the attention towards national security.