Guest lecture organized on cancer immunology at IHGI
Speaker enlightened students regarding cancer development process in human body

Jalandhar: Medical Lab Science department of Innocent Hearts Group of Institutions organized a Guest Lecture on Cancer Immunology for students of MLS 2nd and 4th semester.
Dr Archana Dutta (Oncologist, PIMS hospital) acted as a resource person. Ms Nidhi Sharma (HOD, MLS) welcomed the guest speaker.
Initially Dr. Dutta enlightened the students regarding cancer development process in human body. Emphasises was laid upon the concept of Cancer Immunotherapy. She stated that this therapy uses substances made from living organisms to treat cancer that helps the immune system of human body to fight against skin, lung and Kidney cancer. Further she explained that cancer is a complex collection of disorders.
Mr. Deepak Paul (Principal, Hotel Management) presented a vote of thanks to the resource person and stated that everyone should have to eat healthy diet to prevent from this disease.