Helmets warn if you are drunk and don’t allow you to drive
Many innovative working models played by talented students at Antahpragnya 2020

Hyderabad: Displaying their ingenuity, talents and skills, the students at Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Basar (RGUKT-Basar) come up with mind blowing innovations which was seen at the 3-day national level India’s biggest rural technical festival Antahpragnya 2020 being held at Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Basar (RGUKT-Basar), 180 kms aways from State Capital Hyderabad.
Some of these include as follows
Women Safety Drone – Rakshak heroice drone that save women in distress
Women safety and security is a cause of concern always. Second year ECE’s Pranaya, ME’s Pallavi and Vagdevi came together to develop Rakshak – women safety drone. A woman user can wear a device that has a GPS connection and the area police station. When the women is in an helpless situation and is about to be molested, she can just press the device button. A drone can use GPS signals and reach the spot and sprinkle / spray anesthetic material rendering people in the area unconscious. It thus buys time for the police to reach the spot and take action. The team said that using this device, girls can be saved from becoming victims.
Smart Helmet
Imagine helmets that will stop the drunk from driving . Besides being a safety device it now also acts as a Counsellor. Unimaginable right? But it is true. Akanksha, Alekhya, Ravalika and Aishwarya of ECE 2nd year displayed model of a Smart Helmet. The smart helmet will allow the vehicle to get started (ignition) only when the user is wearing the helmet and is not drunk! The helmet uses sensors to ascertain if the wearer is drunk through breath analysis and is beyond the prescribed threshold value. It can even message pre determined mobile numbers if the wearer meets with an accident.
Women Safety Application ‘Swarasthr’
Third year engineering students from CSE stream – Amrita, Pratyusha, Mubeen and Hema – came up with a working model of a women safety device and application christened ‘Swarasthr’. The device which can be on person works in collaboration with an android app that detects screams during dangerous situations and calls all emergenvcy numbers along with an SMS of the user’s location using GPS. Though there are several apps available for women safety, they rely on the user activating the same. In most of the cases, there is no time or presence of mind in dangerous situations to click the button or do some specific action as required by the apps. Our app goes beyond the user intervention and reacts automatically. It is natural that we scream when we face some danger. Our app ‘listens’ to the scream, identifies if it is a scream and starts placing calls to all emergency numbers and sends out SMSs. If any number listed is busy, it automatically jumps to other number listed. We used speech technology, Machine learning, Image processing, Android and Arduino. Swarasthr aims to provide a personal security system to deal with safety and security issues faced by women, the team said.
Android application for blood – Raktdaan
Pavani Reddy, Mithila and Akhil Reddy, students of CSE 2nd year came up with an android app ‘Raktdaan’ to help bridge the gap between those needing blood and blood donors. The user can select a particular type of blood and select the distance in kms. The app then lists the info of that particular blood group people within the specified range. User can call the listed donors and request for blood donation. Even a SMS is sent to the blood donors saying that such a type of blood is required at so and so place. This will help the user find blood donors nearby and perhaps save a life in the process due to the reduction of time and effort in finding donors, said the team. It took about 45 days for the team to make the application using Android studio for app development, Fire base real-time database and GPS tracking.
Humanoid Robot
CSE 3nd year students Suman Michael, Sai Reddy and Jagadish showcase a programmable Humanoid Robot capable of diverse applications. It can recognize faces, show exercise, shake hands, etc. It can also be used as voice assistants too, wherein when queried they can search the internet and provide answers. The robot can be used in home automation purposes, industrial use, etc. said the beaming team. Though its various sensors, the robot can detect gas, smoke, temperature, humidity, etc. We used many sensors in this and used Raspberry Pi, Python and Arduino, they said. It can be personalized as per the requirements, they said.
Voice Controlled Autonomous Car
Second year ECE students Venu and Salman presented a working model of a Voice Controlled Autonomous Car which can be commanded through Google Assistant to reach a particular destination. The model that they created uses color sensor to detect the destination and avoids obstacles using ultrasonic detectors. These types of cars can be useful for mobility for physically challenged people. They plan to link their Autonomous car system to Google Maps to help people reach anywhere. Using image processing and computer vision technology its accuracy and efficiency can be improved furthermore, they said.
Ornithopter – The Spy Bird
ECE 2nd year student P. Sai Ram and ECE 1st year student Ganesh made an Ornithopter, a bird shaped drone. The drone is equipped with BLDC Motor of 18000 rpm and fitted with 2300 KV Lithium battery of 7.5 volts. It can fly up to 20 kmph speed to a distance of 500 meters for up to 20 minutes. This can be used for surveillance purposes, to shoot wild life photography, to scare away wild animals that come into farmers fields or can even be made into a weapon, they said.
Bluetooth Gyro Controlled Solar Vehicle
Third year EEE students Tulasi Ram, Mahendar, Pranadeep, Rajneet presented a protype of Bluetooth Gyro Controlled Solar Vehicle. The tech behind this can have various applications in vehicle parking, exploration, patrolling in cities, etc. It can be controlled with the help of an android app. It even has solar tracking so that the solar panel automatically changes direction to get optimum light for power.
Electric Bike
Electric bicycle that can travel a distance of 30-45 kms and has 150 kgs load capacity using batteries was developed by 4th year and 3rd year EEE students S. Naresh, Lavan Kumar, T. Kushal, T. Bindu, D. Manusha, B. Satish Kumar under the guidance of their faculty Bhavsingh Vinay. The bike can be fitted with a stand to help carry load. The electric bike is silent, cheaper to run and eco-friendly.
Wireless Charging Concept for e-Vehicles
Wireless charging concept uses the principle of electromagnetic induction. Electricity running in the coils can be laid on the roads and the vehicle fitted with coils that induce electric current without actually touching the road surface. It can be implemented two ways – static (where it is used at traffic signals, speed-breakers, etc.) or dynamic (where the charging taking place continuously on roads). By 2040 about 50% of all vehicles will be electrical and charging using conventional system takes time and there will be a lot of rush at the charging points due to increase in electric vehicle numbers. Employing the Wireless concept will reduce the time charging takes up, the team said.
Electricity Theft Detection System
Vishwanath, Sai Deep Raju and Vinay of EEE 3rd year came up with the Electricity Theft Detection System. Electricity theft is a common problem and employing this system will help in saving a lot of money. Lot of power and revenue loss occurs with theft. It is said that nearly 23 per cent of total electricity generated is lost due to theft problem. Normally the current sent by the transformer is exactly equal to the current consumed by the user. Sensors that detect this and store the value. But when tampering is done there is a difference between values at the transformer and the consumer end, which the system detects and gives off an alarm for the electricity theft. This was made using RF Transceivers and Arduino, said the team.
Airborne Wind Energy
We have seen wind mills harvesting wind energy, but they are not very good at producing electricity as the wind moves at lower speeds in lower altitudes. Using Airborne Wind Energy Generators we can harvest much more energy efficiently said Ashok, Vishal and Nagaraj of Mechanical Engineering. At lower altitudes wind speed can be from 1.5 to 3 meters per second, whereas when we move higher it has speeds from 300-10000 meters. Airborne systems contain lighter than air gases which help in lifting the system up in the air. This system has low capital cost and high energy harvesting potential and it is also movable to different locations, they said.
Hybrid Train
Third year M.E. students Srishanth, Kanaka Rao, Vishakanda presented a Hybrid Train. The conventional trains run on electricity and diesel (which is polluting and is fast depleting), but the hybrid train can use wind and solar energy to run more efficiently. The Hybrid train harnesses the power of wind in moving trains and solar panels to generate electricity that is stored in batteries. India has world’s largest railway network, if the system is implemented it will result in saving a lot of money and also saving the environment, the team said. The electricity generated can be used to power up local loads and meet power requirement in the train. On an average a train has 15 compartments, using this kind of system 13.5 KW power can be produced, they said.
Smart RGUKT Campus
Fifteen members from ECE 3rd year made huge model of the RGUKT campus and showcased and imagined different innovations that can be taken up in the campus. Innovations such as QR scan based entry, Auto bell, Garbage Management, Voice controlled Lights and Fans, IoT based water overflow system, self-erasing duster, etc.
Many innovative working models addressing the issued faced in rural areas and farmers were also on display viz. Automatic Seed Sowing Machine, Fertilizer Dropper, Seed Shelling cum sieving machine, Mangoes plucking machine, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Automatic switch for water motor, automatic irrigation, rainwater harvesting, etc.