How to create ecosystem for process safety and loss prevention
The Webinar was attended by senior members of PHD Chamber and over 50 industry stalwarts

New Delhi: Environment Committee of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a Webinar on "How to Create an Ecosystem for Process Safety and Loss Prevention”. Dr J P Gupta, Chairman - Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-II), Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GOI and Prof Dr Jan Roar Bakke, Executive Vice President, Gexcon and Adjunct Professor, Technical Safety, University of Stavanger, Norway were the Eminent Speakers of the Webinar.
The objective of the webinar was to impart knowledge on the need for safety of processes and the techniques for prevention of losses and accidents.
Dr J P Gupta, Chairman - Expert Appraisal Committee (Industry-II), MOEFCC, GOI shared the Industry Perspective. He gave an enlightening presentation on the need for An Ecosystem to Nurture Process Safety in India. Through his Presentation he gave various suggestions and approaches for safer processes and prevention of losses like Setting up of “Centre of Excellence’s” in Process Safety in Each State of India, Guidelines for Corporate Governance in Process Safety, Safety Audit after every four years to cover – not only the industry facilities but also their surroundings, Satellite imaging of all industrial clusters, to conduct safety audits and also suggested the Corporates to work closely with COE’s, NDMA and Regulatory Authorities.
He further highlighted that We have many geniuses in process safety but we need the ecosystem to nurture ingenuity now. Can necessity not be just the mother of invention but beget an ecosystem, of innovation in process safety.
Prof Dr Jan Roar Bakke, Executive Vice President, Gexcon and Adjunct Professor, Technical Safety, University of Stavanger, Norway thanked PHDCCI for organizing this webinar. He talked about Process Safety as a framework for managing the integrity of operating systems and processes handling hazardous substances. He gave an insightful presentation to apprise the panellists and the participants about the methods and softwares, like FLACS that accurately captures the effects of actual geometry and external parameters to give realistic simulations to ensure safe design.
He also talked about the Operating Management System (OMS) Framework which comprises of four fundamentals and ten Management System Elements which directly support hardware and human barriers that are designed to prevent LOPC and other types of asset integrity or process safety events. He concluded his presentation by saying that Asset integrity monitoring and reviewing is a key issue with respect to process safety.
Dr J S Sharma, Co-chairman, Environment Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Indsutry delivered a formal vote of thanks to all the esteemed panellists, participants and summarised the session.
In his welcome address Dr Ranjeet Mehta, Principal Director, PHD Chamber emphasized that Process safety is part of safety management and focuses on the concerns of major hazards impacting, safety, environmental damage and business losses. The goal of process safety management is to develop plant systems and procedures to prevent unwanted releases that may ignite and cause toxic impacts, local fires or explosions.
The Webinar was attended by senior members of PHD Chamber and over 50 industry stalwarts.