HSNC University’s H. R. College introduces multilingual courses
Courses for new languages open a spectrum of opportunities for students

Mumbai, February 10, 2022: H. R. College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai’s one of the renowned colleges under the HSNC Cluster University, has introduced multilingual courses for students. This initiative is taken with respect to the reforms of new National Education Policy that emphasizes the need of multilingual learning as it provides better career opportunities for students.
Commenting on this initiative, Dr. Niranjan Hiranandani, Provost - HSNC University, said, “Multilingual learning will enhance various cognitive, networking, inter-personal and social-linguistic skills that will foster the learner’s global relationships. Alongside, ability to speak more languages and associated skills will also accentuate attention and retention. Besides, learning the nuances of different languages will help the modern learners hone their critical thinking, reasoning abilities and make them proficient communicators by grasping concepts and subjects more effectively.”
The international programs committee of H. R. College is conducting the multilingual learning courses virtually. This begun under the mentorship of faculty Dr. Chandni Bhattacharjee, Director, IPC with certification in Spanish language on completion of 30 hours. It is assisting students to learn the language benefitting them in terms of a gamut of job opportunities while leaving an indelible impression during communication.
Elated to share the development, Dr. Pooja Ramchandani, Principal of H. R. College, stated, “HR College has taken initiative to train students in various foreign languages such as German, South Korean, Japanese and other foreign languages along with regional languages. It is necessary for students to learn new things and keep themselves updated as per the industry demands and we are providing them the best platform by conducting these online courses.”
The initiative is aligned with the idea of accessible education, overcoming the language and geographical barriers. Additionally, it is a step towards the mission of making India a global hub of education and give the best opportunities to students across regions.