I lost around 8 kgs to start with in order to be able to play the character of Garud: Faisal Khan from Sony SAB’s Dharm Yoddha Garud

“I lost around 8 kgs to start with in order to be able to play the character of Garud,” says Faisal Khan from Sony SAB’s Dharm Yoddha Garud. “I haven’t reached my goal physique yet but I am consistent with my journey and I am hoping to accomplish the target weight and body very soon. It has been no doubt a very hectic journey for me because I am a very big foodie and yet I had to lose a lot of weight. I have put in a lot of hard work and effort into the character, I have been going to the gym two times a day, I maintain a clean diet and now that I am close to looking like Garud, I am super happy. This is only the start and I will work even harder to portray Garud in the best possible way, he adds.
Happy to be a part of the show Faisal Khan states that the show Dharm Yoddha Garud is very different from the other mythological dramas as this features the ‘Untold Story’ of Garud; a character who is so mighty and powerful but quite unknown in the minds of the people. Garud can fly, he can defeat the undefeatables and of course with his character itself we can find a taste of various elements tapping into several themes of mythology, mother-son bond, fulfilling one’s duty, etc.
“I draw so much inspiration from Garud, he is truly the ideal, doting son who goes leaps and beyond to save his mother from the grasp of his evil family. He is essentially a protector, very sensitive and hyper-intelligent. He is so righteous and filled with integrity that greed does not affect him and even the most powerful Gods and demons are anxious in his presence. It is a huge honour for me to get to play Garud’s character. I love my wings even though they weigh 14kgs. We wanted to keep things as real as possible hence we avoided relying too much on CG technologies. If it was humanly possible for me to fly, I definitely would give it a try. The wings, the get up, the use of real-time virtual production technique, Ultimatte is being used for the first time in an Indian television. So yes, I love my wings, I love Garud’s story and most-importantly, I am in love with Garud as a character,” he adds.