ICAR-CIPHET grants license for makhana kheer mix to Bihar based budding entrepreneur

In recent years price of makhana has increased due to increase in demand from domestic as well as foreign markets

ICAR-CIPHET grants license for makhana kheer mix to Bihar based budding entrepreneur

Ludhiana: Makhana is an organic, nutritional, non-cereal edible crop. Makhana is a good source of carbohydrate, protein and minerals. In recent years price of makhana has increased due to increase in demand from domestic as well as foreign markets. Keeping in view the nutritional as well as market potential of makhana, ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana has developed “Ready to constitute makhana kheer mix and Bihar based young and budding entrepreneur Mr. Amit Kumar approached CIPHET for taking license of this technology. Research team consists of Dr. Mridula Devi, Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma, Dr. Ranjeet Singh, Dr. R.K. Singh, Dr. S.N. Jha. Dr. Mridula D. Pr. Scinetist & Principal Inventor imparted hands on training to Mr. Amit Kumar.  Dr. Nachiket Kotwaliwale, Director, CIPHET Ludhiana awarded certificate of licensing and training to the entrepreneur on successful completion of the training.