ICAR-CIPHET organized 5-day EDP on `Processing of groundnut/ soybean for milk, curd and paneer like products’

Ludhiana, October 8, 2021: ICAR-Central Institute of Post-Harvest Engineering and Technology Institute (CIPHET), Ludhiana successfully organized a 5 days Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP) on ‘Processing of groundnut/ soybean for milk, curd and paneer like products’ during 04.10.2021 to 08.10.2021. These products intend to partly or wholly substitute dairy products and is principally vegan. It is lactose free, which make it more suitable for people with lactose intolerance while fulfilling their nutritional needs. It is also cholesterol free, easily digestible and antinutrients free and rich in protein, minerals and essential fatty acids. The EDP is aimed to develop competency to the participants to start enterprise on groundnut/soybean processing. Two participants, Mr. Mohan from Karnakata and Mr. Parminder from Punjab participated the EDP. Hands on training on preparation of dairy analogues like milk, curd and paneer, process for removal of nutty/beany flavour from groundnut/ soybean were imparted. They were also trained on the usage of groundnut oil cake that is the by-products of groundnut oil extraction for production of dairy analogues, use of different flavouring agents, how to gain entry in the market. They were briefed on packaging and storage of developed products and also on requirements of machinery and equipment. Mr. Mohan expressed his interest in setting up groundnut processing unit and utilizing the by products for bakery and confectionery use. Another prospective entrepreneur, Mr. Parminder said he has already been making groundnut milk at home and wants to scale up groundnut processing at commercial scale. The EDP was led by Dr. D.N. Yadav, Head, Transfer of Technology Division and coordinated by Dr. K. Bembem, Scientist of the division. The institute regularly conducts different EDPs under the direction of Dr. Nachiket Kotwaliwale, Director, ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana. For more EDPs organized in the institute, EDP calendar has been hosted in the institute’s website. Dr. Kotwaliwale expressed that the market for these kinds of products are expected to grow with the new definition of Vegan foods with new logo as recently notified by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India. Utilization of de-oiled groundnut cakes for preparation of dairy analogues may further add value to Oil Extraction Industry and thus increase their profitability as a result, farmers will be encouraged to grow more oilseeds crops.