ICAR-NRCM and IIP entered MoU for facilitating collaborative research, training and extension
The MoU is initially for five years and extendable on mutual consent

Hyderabad: Two important National bodies ICAR-NRCM and Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) entered a Memorandum of Understanding on Wednesday evening for facilitating Collaborative Research, Training and Extension.
The MoU was signed and exchanged by Prof (Dr.) Tanweer Alam, Director of IIP-Mumbai and Dr. S.B Barbuddhe, Director of ICAR-National Research Centre on Meat at ICAR-NRCM office at Chengicherla, Hyderabad.
The MoU is initially for five years and extendable on mutual consent.
Indian Institute of Packaging is an autonomous body under the administrative control of the Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, and Government of India.
ICAR--National Research Centre on Meat works under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR). Headquartered in Hyderabad. Its mission is to develop a modern organized meat sector through meat production, processing and utilization technologies and serve the cause of meat animal producers, processors and consumers.
Both organizations have recognized the importance of research and development in the areas of meat packaging, as well as imparting industrial training to the students of packaging. And we agreed to participate jointly in undertaking students and research projects as per the expertise and resources available with NRCM and IIP.
NRCM will facilitate Research and guidance for joint research projects, which are mutually beneficial to IIP and NRCM and seek funding from outside agencies. It will share expertise on basic and applied research in various facets of meat science & technology for the PG students, research scholars and staff of IIP as per the Institute’s/ICAR’s guidelines from time to time.
It will also share facilities for undertaking Postgraduate (PG) and Doctoral research projects when carried out at the premises of the NRCM as per the requirement and approved plan of work. All these are facilitated towards mutual benefits stated by Dr. S.B. Barbuddhe.
The IIP will provide Facilities (Laboratory, Library and Field) for cooperative research in the areas of mutual interest to the staff of NRCM as per the agreements from time to time added Dr. Tanveer Alam.
The Joint responsibilities of both the organizations include are facilitate each-other’s infrastructure and facilities to scientists, faculty, research scholars and students; to undertake research based on the location-specific problems on mutual agreement. To prepare joint research projects, which are mutually beneficial to IIP and NRCM and seek funding from outside agencies. It will also enable the exchange of visits by faculty members and scientists for academic and research purposes.
The ICAR-NRCM offers to permit PG students for a period ranging from 3-12 months to work on thesis-based programs under the joint supervision of IIP and NRCM staff.
Packaging is a very important element in meat science to increase the shelf life of a wide variety of meat products. That is why we sought packaging intervention from IIP said Dr. S.B. Barbuddhe.
Modern Meat packaging technologies include says Dr. Kandeepan.. G, Senior Scientist with ICAR-NRCM, is vacuum packaging, modified atmosphere packaging, controlled atmosphere packaging, active packaging, smart packaging, etc. These strive to enhance food safety and quality naturally as far as possible. At our end, we are working on many technologies to improve the shelf life of meat. We have developed a non-censor, a sticker, which is made up of natural pigments and nano material.”
“This sensor when used in meat packaging senses biochemical or microbial changes in the food. It can detect specific pathogen developing in the food or specific gases from food spoiling and change the color accordingly. This indicates whether meat is suitable to consume or not. We have developed this technology but it is yet to be commercialized”, he said.
Dr. Kandeepan shared that they have also come up with Bio-degradable Packaging for meat products. It is made using bio polymers, nano material and suitable bio-plastics. The research is still underway. “We have achieved 50% success” he added.
He also spoke about Packaging of Frozen Meats, Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) of Fresh Meat; Retort Pouch Processing Technology etc. on which they have been working for better packaging and improved shelf life of the meat products.
The primary function of packaging is to protect the product so it reaches the consumer in prime condition. For the meat sector, this principally means protecting foods that are especially sensitive to oxidation he added.
Dr. Tanweer Alam, Director – IIP highlighted the role played by IIP in recent years in designing and developing new and innovative packaging material/techniques. “Consumer convenience is very much important in meat packaging. Meat industries across the world are focusing on the development of novel meat products and processes to meet consumer demand and packaging needs to be evolved accordingly to meet the growing demand for these products” he added.
“Sustainable packaging, Responsible Packaging, Smart and Intelligent Packaging, Technology-enabled solutions, emotional engagement, transparent and clear labeling are some of the trends in the packaging industry”, Dr. Alam mentioned.
Dr. Gaurav Madhu, Joint Director & Regional Head of IIP Hyderabad told that they have the facilities to test biodegradable packaging films and both the organizations will be benefitted by the joint research on the topic.