IKGPTU celebrated “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” with gaiety and enthusiasm
Vice Chancellor IAS Rahul Bhandari was the chief guest, IAS Rakhee Gupta Bhandari was the special guest

Jalandhar/Kapurthala, August 16, 2022: "May it be the passion that you have to keep doing something positive at all times, and try to do it together, in a team" This message was given by Senior IAS Rahul Bhandari, Vice Chancellor IKGPTU on the occasion of Independence Day.
He was addressing university staff, faculty, students & officers during the event "Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav" as Chief Guest. The function was organized in the university on the occasion of Independence Day. He said that pictures should be made, but memorable pictures should be important, if you do something positive every moment, then you will be remembered, otherwise no one can recognize how many have come and gone. Karma is identity. He gave the message to doing positive work continuously.
IKG PTU celebrated Independence Day with a grand celebration with gaiety and fervor. Vice Chancellor Shri Rahul Bhandari IAS was the chief guest in this event. Principal Commissioner Punjab Bhawan New Delhi Rakhee Gupta Bhandari, IAS attended as the special guest. The National Flag Tricolor was hoisted by Vice Chancellor Bhandari. He was given a salute by the University Security Guards. University Registrar Dr. S.K Mishra and Dean Student Welfare Dr. Gaurav Bhargava were present with him.
Cultural function was organized in Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Auditorium of the university, in which various patriotic songs were sung by the university staff and students. On this occasion, plantation drive was also done on behalf of the special guest Principal Commissioner, Punjab Bhawan, New Delhi Rakhee Gupta Bhandari, IAS in the University campus.