IKGPTU celebrated National Press Day
Field Journalist Sandeep Oberoi interacted with Journalism students

Jalandhar/Kapurthala, November 16, 2021: I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University students & faculty celebrated National Press Day at its Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. On this joyous occasion the department organized a guest lecture. Mr. Sandeep Oberoi, senior field journalist with ZEE MEDIA joined as key note speaker. In the beginning Dr. Ranbir Singh, Head, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication give the floral welcome to the resource person Journalist Oberoi.
While addressing the students journalist Oberoi highlighted the utmost qualities of a true journalist & shared his thoughts about the courage of journalism. He said that to be a good journalist one needs to have a good IQ level. He further shared his experiences and delivered some valuable information related to journalism. The resource person also answered gently all the queries and cleared the doubts of the students.
Dr. Ekta Mahajan, Assistant Professor delivered vote of thanks to the guests. She expressed her gratitude towards Journalist Oberoi who took out his precious time to guide the students of Journalism and Mass Communication.
Moreover, two days ago the department organized a Photography competition. First prize has been awarded to Sooraj (BA 1st sem), Sanskriti and Laveena (MA 1 sem) shared a joint second position. Sakshi (BA 3rd sem) secured the third position. All the participants were appreciated by Dr. Ranbir Singh for their sincere efforts.
On this occasion faculty members Dr.Balbir kumar, Ms. Mangla Sahni, Mr. Shiva and others were present.