IKGPTU extended last date for special chance examination form submission
Pass out students can fill their forms till June 21st at 5pm

Kapurthala/Jalandhar: In view of the current pandemic scenario, I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University (IKGPTU) has extended the last date for special chance examination form submission. Now the last date is upto June 21st, 2021 till 5 pm. This opportunity is for only those students who fail to complete their degrees in their eligible time period. According to the University spokesperson, at the initial stage University decided the last date was February 10, 2021, but due to pandemic most of the students were approaching University with an excuse that they missed the date. By watching the importance of their career path, the University's examination department decided to extend the date up to June 21st. Now the University again opened the form submission portal at the examination department's web page www.ptuexam.com . Students can visit this page and fill their special chance examination forms.