IKGPTU main campus Team won the prestigious TAP Business Plan Competition
Total 27 teams from United States, India, Canada, Pakistan, UAE, Germany & Israeli participated in this global competition

By proving its global level education approach, I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University’s main campus students won the prestigious TAP Business Plan Competition. This was a team activity and a joint venture of IKGPTU & TiE. It was a tough competition in which a total 27 teams from the United States, India, Canada, Pakistan, UAE, Germany & Israel participated. The name of this winning team was Team SQUENCOFF. The same team SQUENCOFF also represented IKGPTU & TiE in the Global Pitch Competition & awarded 500 USD.
On this great success of University students, Vice Chancellor (VC) Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Kumar Sharma congratulated the team, the faculty & staff who were involved in the preparation of this team competition. The Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Sharma also congratulated the University family and inspired all to celebrate this achievement technologically so that students may achieve more at global level. VC Prof Sharma also interacted with students at his office and motivated them to become Entrepreneurs in future. He said that the University is committed to develop the strong entrepreneurial culture in its ecosystem. He declared a Free Plug & Play facility at University campus for all the winning teams. He also congratulated the organising team for successfully conducting this entire competition online from registration to result declaration.
University Registrar Er. Sandeep Kumar Kazal also congratulated the team through a message. In his message, the Registrar said that the achievement itself proved that IKGPTU is preparing its students at par with global education syllabi. This is the outcome of great efforts of University faculty & staff who are having global exposures.
Er. Navdeepak Sandhu, Deputy Director-Corporate Relations IKGPTU shared that 151 teams from across Punjab were registered for TAP Business Plan Competition. Out of which, 32 teams were shortlisted by the jury. These teams were mentored by CEOs or Founders of TiE member companies for one month to make their plans viable before the final pitching.
Mr. Hirdesh Madan, President TiE Chandigarh, said that TiE will handhold all the teams to take their plans to the next level.
Results were declared by Er. Navdeepak Sandhu, accordingly winner of TAP B - Plan Competition is Team - SQUENCOFF (IKG PTU Main Campus) is awarded a cash prize of ₹ 40,000/-. Drishti, Vani, Monika (All from Deptt. of Food Science & Technology) & Manjinder Singh (Deptt. of CSE) were the members of this winning team. Dr. Gazal Sharma, Assistant Professor, IKG PTU, & Ms. Sumeet Kaur (TiE member) were the mentors of this team.
Runners up Team Location App (Chandigarh Group of Colleges) is awarded cash prize of ₹ 30,000/-, 2nd Runners up position is shared by two teams, Team ED ZONE (KCL IMT, Jalandhar) & Team O2 DESIGNER (AIMTC, Jalandhar), both teams are awarded cash prize of ₹ 20,000/-.
Additional Four Consolation Prizes with Cash Prize of ₹ 5000/-were given to Team PROBSOLVE (IKG PTU Main Campus Jalandhar), Team TREND BOOK (CEC), Team THE POCKET JOB (GJIMT, Mohali) & Team IMMUNO STREE (AIMTC, Jalandhar). Drishti, IKGPTU student from the winning team, shared that they have worked extremely hard to bring forward a groundbreaking new idea. She said it is possible to live the dream if one has passion to push the boundaries. She thanked IKG PTU, TiE & especially Dr. Gazal Sharma, Faculty Mentor of winning team for continually motivating them to overcome hurdles to reach the next level journey of representing University among the top 27 teams of the World.