IKGPTU researcher's Project selected under INUP-i2i 2022-23 program
A major milestone achieved by IKGPTU researcher: VC Dr. Susheel Mittal

Jalandhar/Kapurthala, July 12, 2023: A research project cum proposal of I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University student (IKGPTU)'s researcher Dr. Neha Kapila Sharma has been selected under INUP-i2i 2022-23 program. This was a research proposal on “Simulation and Fabrication of Perovskite Solar Cell device”. The researcher Dr. Neha Kapila Sharma is working as a part-time Research Associate at IKG PTU under the guidance of Prof (Dr.) Hitesh Sharma, Dean, Research & Development (R&D). The project was selected out of 252 research projects at the national level after a tough evaluation of the idea for the proposed device, background knowledge, concept clarity and hands-on training skills in device fabrication. This achievement is a major milestone achieved by IKG PTU researchers. It will also help the university improve its presence in class research and to work towards establishing a Centre of Excellence in the research of micro and nanoelectronics.
Dr. Susheel Mittal, Vice Chancellor, IKGPTU congratulated Prof. (Dr.) Hitesh Sharma, Dean, R&D, Researcher Dr. Neha Kapila Sharma and University team, who are involved in this achievement. VC Dr. Mittal shared that the Indian Nanoelectronics Users’ Programme (INUP) is an initiative of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology with the long-term vision of improving skilled manpower in the areas of micro and nanoelectronics.
University Registrar Dr S K Misra also congratulated the researcher Dr. Neha Kapila Sharma & Dean R&D Dr Hitesh Sharma for this achievement. Dr Misra said is a milestone for R&D Department and future students will learn more from this achievement.
Dean Prof Dr Hitesh Sharma said that the selection process of INUP is organized at four levels & the first is to familiarization online 03 days workshop, second step is offline three days familiarization workshop and the last step is hands-on training for 12-14 days at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati. Dean Dr Sharma said that the final round of selection was held at IIT Guwahati for short-term/Mid-term Projects for 3 to 6 months. Registrar Dr S K Misra also congratulated the team R&D and students.
The primary objectives of the proposed initiative are to expand the program to six state-of-art Centre of Excellence in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnologies from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, and Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. He further added.
This is the first such project for a researcher from IKGPTU which if encouraged/supported by the University will motivate other researchers/Ph.D. students to participate in such programs in line with national missions and this will also help the university working towards the establishment of a Centre of Excellence in the areas of nanoscience and nanotechnologies and participate in the National Quantum mission-2023.