Inauguration of Speed Breeding Facility at Punjab Agricultural University
Punjab Agricultural University has developed “Speed Breeding Facility” that is first of its kind in any Public Sector University/Institute of India.

Ludhiana, January 8, 2024: Punjab Agricultural University has developed “Speed Breeding Facility” that is first of its kind in any Public Sector University/Institute of India.
According to available information, it takes 10 years to develop and release a new variety of wheat, rice and several other crops.
Now, due to changing climate, new diseases, insect-pests and increasing temperature, frost and flooding, there are huge crop losses.
There is an urgent need to speed up the breeding process for release of varieties possessing high yield, better quality, disease and insect resistance and tolerance to temperature, frost and strong wind.
“Speed Breeding Facility” povides an automatic controlled temperature, light, humidity and carbon dioxide suited to the plant (crop species) to be grown any time in the year.
Moreover, 5-6 generations can be achieved in one year as compared to 1-2 generations in fields. Therefore, this will cut short the period by 3-4 years for quick release of varieties for the farmers.
This facility has been built at PAU with the funding support of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India.