Inauguration of the DCM Observatory cum Sky Lounge

The clear dark night sky of 21st December 2020 was home to two special occasions

Inauguration of the DCM Observatory cum Sky Lounge
DC Mr.Varinder Sharma watching the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.

Ludhiana: The once in a lifetime celestial event of the Great Conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, was the perfect setting for DCM Presidency School to formally inaugurate the DCM Observatory cum Sky Lounge, aimed at taking the aspect of Experiential Learning to unimaginable levels.

Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana, Mr. Varinder Sharma graced the occasion by his presence and inaugurated the DCM Observatory alongside the CEO, DCM Group of Schools, Mr Anirudh Gupta.

DC, Mr. Varinder  Sharma congratulated the DCM group for their outstanding progress in the field of Education and Technology.

Niti Aayog's ATL Mentor of Change, Mr. Harpreet Khattar was one of the distinguished guests at this occasion.

CEO, Mr Anirudh Gupta while stressing on the importance of Emerging Technologies and 21st Century Skills, outlined the plethora of academic programs and initiatives specially formulated by the DCM Group of Schools.

It was a night of Experiential Exploration for the ecstatic students of the Star Gazers Club, as they watched the 'Great Conjunction' through the fully automatic 8 inch dobsonian telescope.

The Chief Guest was captivated by the achievements and progress of the students in the field of Space Science and Astronomy.