Industry welcomes Punjab CM announcement of reduction in fixed electricity charges
Punjab CM has also deferred due dates for payment of bills, ordered no disconnection for non-payment during this period

CUCU welcomes the decision
Ludhiana: Upkar Singh Ahuja, President and Pankaj Sharma general secretary CICU have hailed the decision taken by Capt Amrinder Singh, CM, Punjab in providing relief to the consumers of electricity of the state, both domestic as well as Industrial. CICU had been requesting the Punjab government to provide relief to the industry as it was becoming very difficult for the entrepreneurs to pay bills during the period of shutdown.
As per government notification the government has extended the date of payment of bills and has also waived off late fee imposed on late payment of bills.
Sharma says, the decision of government to waive off fixed charges of bills is also a very welcome step as PSPCL cannot charge the consumers for that period in which it has not consumed any electricity.
CICU president said that PSPCL should also do away with the condition of imposing average bills.
It’s advisable that department should issue curfew passes during curfew period to its staff to make sure that they take meter reading and the bills are made on actual consumption of electricity.
This will come as a big relief to the power intensive units, as for them power serves the purpose of raw material.
CICU also appreciated the concern shown by Punjab government to support the industry in this hour of need.
Ludhiana: Pawan Dewan, chairman of Punjab Large Industrial Development Board, thanked Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh for reducing the fixed electricity charges and for permitting the delayed payment of bills in the wake of Covid-19.
In a statement issued here, Dewan revealed that he was requested by various industrial entities including the Fastener Manufacturers Association of India to give exemption in electricity bills and fixed charges in view of the announcement of lockdown due to corona virus epidemic. Dewan had placed this request before Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh and hence got a positive response. This is the result of the sensible nature of the CM that big relief has been given to the residents of Punjab, as fixed charges have been reduced and permission for delayed payment of electricity bills to the domestic sector as well as industries has been given.
Ludhiana: K.K. Seth Chairman FICO (Federation of Industrial & Commercial Organization) thanked PSPCL for providing relief to the industry, it is notable that FICO have been constantly demanding the extension in due dates for Payment of electricity bills along with the waiver off for fixed charges for the period of lock down. Today PSPCL gave relief to the electricity consumers in the State of Punjab for mitigating the impact of COVID-19, vide notification; which States that the Chief Minister Punjab has decided to give following reliefs to the electricity consumers:
1) Due date of electricity bills of all the Domestic & Commercial consumers having current monthly/ bimonthly bills up to Rs.10000/- payable on or after 20th March, 2020 has been extended up to 20th April, 2020 without levy of late payment surcharge and 1% rebate will be given to the consumers on the current bill (exclusive of any previous arrears) who will pay electricity bills online through digital modes by original due date.
2) Due date of electricity bills payable on or after 20th March, 2020 of all the Industrial consumers i.e. SP, MS and LS has been extended up to 20th April, 2020 without levy of late payment surcharge and 1% rebate will be given to the consumers (exclusive of any previous arrears) who will pay electricity bills online through digital modes by original due date.
3) Fixed Charges for Medium Supply (MS) and Large Supply (LS) Industrial Consumers be exempted for next 2 months from 23.3.2020 and Energy Charges may be fixed to commensurate with reduction in Fixed Charges (single rate). Revised Energy Charges will be paid by consumers and not to be considered for subsidy.
4) PSPCL shall ensure continuity of supply. Complaints related to safety and restoration of supply shall continue to be attended.
5) PSPCL shall discontinue other non-essential services which require visiting consumer premises like i.e. meter reading, billing, release of new connections etc. during the lockdown period. (Average of Recent Three Bills will be considered)
6) In absence of meter reading, the consumers shall be intimated about their bill through PSPCL website, SMS, Email, Mobile App etc. and bill shall be issued on average basis.
7) Wherever Automated Meter Reading (AMR) is in place, same shall be used.
8) No new disconnection shall be carried out against non-payment till restrictions are withdrawn by the Authority.
Gurmeet Singh Kular President FICO said that as per Point No. 3, the government waived off the fixed charges for next two months only, whereas the industry is totally shut off, and the revival of industry will take at lease 6 months, so the fixed charges should have been waived off for the period of six months atleast.