Innocent Hearts College of Education celebrates ‘National Energy Conservation Day’
The event held using virtual reality techniques

Jalandhar: Innocent Hearts College of Education, Jalandhar celebrated National Energy Conservation day through online mode with the theme of spreading mass awareness about utilizing energy efficiently in our day to day life.
The student- teachers represented videos of scientific simulation and demonstrated the methods of energy conservation in our daily life. Japleen Kochhar explained the impact of conscious energy conservation on our environment and well-being and that ‘energy takes plenty of time to regenerate’. Maninder gave the message through his presentation that reduction of energy wastage leads to saving money. Ishpreet gave tips to use energy properly in the kitchen and at homes by illustrating with pictorial examples. Asst. Prof. Ms. Ravneet Kaur said that implementing these energy conservation strategies will have a positive impact on our lives and student-teachers should start doing it, if they have not started yet. The student-teachers and faculty members also took a pledge to not waste any type of energy at their homes and workplace.
Principal Dr. Arjinder Singh appreciated efforts made by the whole team and explained that it is very much important to conserve energy for our future generation and our would-be teachers have an important role to play in this direction.