Innovative breakthrough techniques at ICONICA-2020 Summit at PU
Conclave is scheduled to be held on 12-14 February, 2020

Chandigarh: The international interdisciplinary Conclave is scheduled to be held on 12-14 February, 2020, on the theme of “Next-Gen Paradigms in Healthcare” under the aegis of Panjab University, Chandigarh. The aim of ICONICA 2020 is to bring together the International community working in diverse domains of Health Care and to provide a conducive milieu for presenting advancements and applications in the area of biomedical, pharmaceutical, dental, medical, health management, biotechnological and other related sciences.
The highlight of ICONICA2020 is that over a score of renowned international scientists and health professionals, hailing from countries like USA, UK, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Sweden, France, Dhaka, Dubai and India have already confirmed their presence & participation. Hundreds of delegates have registered from different regions of country, and as anticipated from previous years’ conferences, around 1000 delegates from across the globe are likely to participate in the deliberations.
Pre-Conference workshops will be held on 12 February 2020 to train the novitiates on various research-related skill topics, in order to improve the specialized know-how of the aspirant delegates. The Conference events will encompass plenary lectures, keynote talks, oral presentations and poster sessions, all demonstrating novel, effectual and cost‐effectual research outcomes, and the rich information pertaining to variegated health care precepts.
The deadline for submission of the abstracts and early bird registration for the conference to January 31, 2020 in order to ensure maximum participation of young scholars. The details regarding the procedure for submission of abstract and registration are available at the dynamic website
The titles of the fascinating talks from a few of the speakers are as follows:
• Mandip Sachdeva
Professor and Section Leader, Pharmaceutics
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL 32307
Title: Vital Role of 3D Technology in Fabricating Bionic Eye Cornea (i.e., ARTIFICIAL CORNEA)
• Martin Hegner:
Professor & Head, Nanobiotech group; CRANN, The Naughton Institute, School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin; Ireland
• R N Saha:
Director, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, P O Box 345055, Plot No.UG 06
Dubai International Academic City, Dubai, UAE
Title: Evaluation of Nanosystems for Selective Drug Delivery for Better and Safe Therapy (i.e., STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE THERAPEUTIC EFFICACY AND SAFETY IN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS)
• Rudolf Bauer
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Department of Pharmacognosy, Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz, Universitaetsplatz 4/I 8010 Graz, Austria
Title: Important Role of Gut Bacteria in The Activity of Herbal Medicine (i.e., SYNERGY BETWEEN GUT MICROBES AND HUMAN BODY TO ATTAIN HUMAN HEALTH AND WELL-BEING)
• Subhash C Chauhan:
Professor and Chairman, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Director, South Texas Centre of Excellence in Cancer Research, School of Medicine, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley (UTRGV), Edinburg, TX
Title: Targeting Tumor Microenvironment for Effective Pancreatic Cancer Treatment (i.e, NEW STRATEGIES TO SUPPRESS PANCREATIC TUMOR BY NONTOXIC NUTRACEUTICALS)
• Aliasgar Shahiwala:
Head, Dubai Pharmacy College, Dubai
Title: Emerging Techniques in Cancer Therapy: From Immunotherapy to Vaccines (i.e., CANCER PREVENTION USING VACCINES)