Instructions given to increase Covid testing in Kangra district: DC

DC Dr Nipun Jindal informed that instructions have been given to increase the testing of COVID in the district so that the spread of COVID infection can be prevented

Instructions given to increase Covid testing in Kangra district: DC

Dharamsala, January 7, 2022: Deputy Commissioner Dr Nipun Jindal informed that instructions have been given to increase the testing of COVID in the district so that the spread of COVID infection can be prevented.  Dr Jindal held a virtual meeting with all the sub-divisional officers of the district through video conferencing on Friday and directed all the sub-divisional officers to make proper arrangements for the prevention of Covid infection in their area. 
He instructed, “In view of the increase in the number of Covid cases every day in the district, arrangements for oxygen, medicines and cleanliness should be ensured in the Covid centers so that people do not face any problem. All SDMs should personally inspect the Covid centers established in their respective areas.”
The Deputy Commissioner said that 70 percent work of vaccination of children in the age group of 15 to 18 years has been completed in the Kangra district and the  remaining vaccination work will be completed by January 10. He said that the Panchayat Covid Management Task Force has been constituted by the district administration at the village level so that the members of the task force can motivate the people for testing.
He further informed that he has also instructed all the SDMs that the Covid centers which have been set up in their area should be inspected by  them. “Where more than five corona positives are being reported, a containment zone shall  be created there ,so that the infection can be stopped. I have also directed the concerned officers to increase the daily corona sampling from 150 to 200 in all the sub-divisions.”
According to the administration a total of 144 new Corona positive cases were registered today in Kangra District against a recovery of only 21 patients. There are 731 active cases now in the district.
Night curfew (10pm to 5 am) has been imposed in the district since yesterday.