Interaction of Prof Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor with Faculty Members of UIET

Chandigarh, February 28, 2022: Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Panjab University held an interaction with faculty and branch Co-ordinators of University Institute of Engineering & Technology (UIET). Prof. Raj Kumar was greeted at PU main guest house by Dean University Instruction (DUI) Prof. Renu Vig, Director UIET Prof. J. K. Goswamy, Co-ordinator Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) Dr. Naresh Kumar and other senior faculty members.
Prof. J K Goswamy apprised the gathering that three PG courses of UIET in Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering had successfully got NBA accreditation for 3 years and the process is underway for NBA accreditation for its six UG courses.
Dr. Naresh Kumar informed that presently, M.E. (ECE) at UIET is the only National Board of Accreditation ( NBA) accredited PG course in ECE in this region.
Prof. Raj Kumar congratulated faculty members of these departments for getting PG accreditation. He motivated the other department faculty members to work towards getting all UG and PG courses accredited at UIET. He stressed the importance of working for amplifying the current strengths and removing the deficiencies. He suggested to start integrated courses in collaborative mode with other reputed institutions and undertake consultancy projects with industry. He further expressed his support for strengthening courses and taking PU to achieve greater heights.
Prof. Renu Vig informed that there is laboratory maintenance and upgradation fund that can be utilised for improving lab infrastructure. Discussion was held on the importance of offering Choice Based Credit System( CBCS) in all departments which is the first step for implementation of NEP 2020 in the university.
Prof. Raj Kumar gave a hearing to all the issues faced by faculty members. He offered his full support to enhance the research and academics. He asked DUI to process the pending files so that growth can be achieved in UIET.