Internal hackathon held at PU
7 best teams were shortlisted by jury of domain experts

Chandigarh: The Institution Innovation Council (IIC) of University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University conducted a 12 hour internal hackathon on 23rd- 24th January, 2020 as part of preliminary phase of Smart India Hackathon, 2020.
A total of 33 teams comprising of 220 students participated in this hackathon, out of which 23 teams have worked on software problems and remaining 10 teams focused on hardware problems.
4 teams from GCET Jammu participated in this event under twinning program of TEQIP III. Problem statements by ISRO, DRDO, MHRD like smart agriculture, health care management, smart traffic management, indoor navigation, e-commerce, SOS surveillance and social media analytics were targeted by the teams.
7 best teams were shortlisted by the jury of domain experts from CSIO and INFOSYS. These teams will be nominated for Smart India Hackathon 2020. The teams Error 404 and The Turings 2.0 from software and hardware respectively were the overall winner of the internal hackathon. The hackathon provided students an ideal platform to showcase their ideas.