International Literacy Day celebrated at PU

Chandigarh, September 8, 2021: Department of Life Long Learning and Extension in collaboration with Centre for Social Work celebrated International Literacy Day on 8th September, 2021. More than 30 faculty members, students and office staff participated in the celebration of the event.
The celebration promoted the World Theme of Literacy Day enumerated as; ‘Literacy for Human Centred Recovery: Narrowing the Digital Divide’. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Parmjit Singh Kang, Chairperson, DLLL&E welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of literacy as a tool to change the word by educating everyone by raising their awareness, knowledge and information level.
Prof. Sween, Senior Most Faculty Member of the DLLL&E traced the history of celebrating this day at the International Level. She said that Technology and Digitalization can enhance the participation of literacy at the individual, community, national and global level by computing and communicating the knowledge and information by using technology.
Dr. Gaurav Gaur, Chairperson, Centre for Social Work promoted literacy as a tool for community participation and effective communication. He said more efforts should be put-in to increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio, so that everyone can become literate.
While speaking on the occasion, Prof. Prabha Vig from the department highlighted literacy to act as a passion for students and professionals so that they can continuously update their knowledge, information and awareness level to cope with knowledge explosion and adapt themselves according to it. This indeed will help them to progress for self, community and nation. She further embarked that on the event of International Literacy Day celebrations, we should undertake activities like; donating books to local libraries, relatives and neighbourers, gifting a book to friends and starting a community lending library.
Prof. Prabha Vig proposed the vote of thanks.