International motivational speaker Simerjeet Singh delivers expert talk
The topic was “How to deal with Board Exam stress and anxiety?”

Jalandhar: International Motivational speaker Simerjeet Singh delivered an expert talk on “How to Deal with Board Exam Stress and Anxiety (Tips for Students and parents)”. The expert lecture was organized by the Training and Placement cell of the Institute with the basic aim of the webinar was to make the students and parents aware of the fact that exam related stress can be easily managed. In addition to it, helpful tips were also given so as to ace the examination without taking undue pressure.
Mr. Simerjeet Singh in his address started the talk by pinpointing the root cause of stress in today’s generation. He stated that it is because of poor time management that we are under stress. If one can manage the time properly, one’s productivity will increase. The second reason is poor exam strategy. In order to succeed in any exam is to have a foolproof strategy. He shared that one’s defeatist mindset leads to creation of stress. He stated that distraction of any kind should be ignored and one should work wholeheartedly toward ones goal. He also highlighted the winner’s mindset and highlighted that inner communication helps a great deal in getting a clear vision about the expectations from the exam. He also stated that one should take mall breaks and keep oneself physically fit. He also highlighted the need of finding out the individual’s learning style and cover the topic in that way. He also emphasized that stress is not all bad, it is stress along with panic mode which is dangerous. He explained all this through a lot of relevant examples and anecdotes because of which everyone could relate to the topic well. More than 350 students of 50 different schools of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal and surrounding states have actively participated in the webinar.
Dr Manoj Kumar, Principal DAVIET stated that such an endeavour proves the commitment of DAVIET to ensure the mental health and clarity not only of the students of the institute but also of the entire region. He showed his happiness at the fact that Mr Simerjeet addressed the students and hoped that all the students will be able to implement all the suggestions given by him and remain stress free. He congratulated Dr. Sushil Prashar Head (Training & Placement) and Dr. Suman Tandon, Associate Professor (BM) for organizing the event. He appreciated the efforts of Mr. Vishav Kapoor, Mr. Ratish Bhardwaj, and Ms. Kalpana Sharma for the success of the event. The moderator of the webinar was Dr. Priyanka Sharma, Assistant Professor (Business Management). She started the webinar with the brief introduction about the objectives of the webinar and its relevance with the current pandemic situation.