International Thalassemia Day observed amid lockdown in DMCH
A drawing competition was also held for thalassemic children

Ludhiana: ‘International Thalassemia Day’ this year was observed with certain changes as per the present ‘lockdown’ situation due to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in the country.
Department of Pediatrics along with Department of Immunohaemotology & Transfusion Medicine jointly observed the day. DMCH has made a fervent appeal to various organizations to come forward to donate blood for the noble cause.
On 7th and 8th May, 2020, Shah Satnam Ji Green S Welfare Force Wing of Dera Sacha Sauda, Sirsa (District Ludhiana Branch) came forward to donate more than 84 voluntary blood donations in Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion by adhering to strict norms of social distancing.
Secretary of DMCH Managing Society-Sh Prem Kumar Gupta highly appreciated the efforts of the volunteers. In his message, Sh Gupta said the year 2020 dawned upon us with the news of pandemic COVID-19. With the general population still experiencing the effects of the lockdown and curfew, a significant decrease in number of donors has been seen. But the demand for blood requirement has not slowed down.
Dr Amarjit Kaur (Professor & Head of Transfusion Medicine) said that the patients of thalassemia, oncology and other emergencies in the hospital still require blood and blood components. Empathy for each other has been one of the strongest attributes of mankind. Even at this critical time, the medical fraternity has stepped forward for voluntary blood donations in support of thalassemic children. Today many faculty members and residents from several specialties came forward in large number to donate blood on ‘International Thalassemia Day’
State Committee members of Dera Sacha Saudha including Kuldeep Insan, Ranjit Insan, Jasvir Insan, Sandeep Insan and Block Committee members Krishan Insan, Harish Insan and Puran Insan thanked DMCH for conducting the camp and made further assurance of their full support in future as well.
Activity of Department of Pediatrics
A drawing competition was also held for thalassemic children attending Thalassemia Day Care Centre in the Department of Pediatrics. Most of the patients made drawings emphasizing need for blood donation. Thalassemia Day Care Centre at DMCH didn’t shut down even for a single day during the lockdown since 25th March, 2020. During the month of April, 441 patients with thalassemia received 599 units of blood. Our entire team is determined to provide packed red cell to thalassemic patients, said Dr Shruti Kakkkar (Assistant Professor of Pediatrics) and thanked all the NGOS who have been work relentlessly for patients with thalassemia during the period of crisis.
Talking to the parents of thalassemic children undergoing treatment in DMCH, father of 15 years old Aryan Chawla said that though they faced little difficulty in coming to the hospital for treatment but overall, didn’t face any problem in getting required units of blood from the intuition. Another parent of 21 years old Shalini Singh said that they had a valid pass with them which eased their movement of coming to the hospital without any hassles. He acknowledged the role of faculty members and staff members of Division of Thalaseemia (in Pediatrics department) in providing quality treatment to thalassemic children.