Joint online seminar on “China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its implications on India’s National Security” at Amity University
The Joint Online Seminar was attended by more than 123 faculty and students from Amity Universities

A ‘Student Centric’ joint online seminar was conducted by Amity Institute of Defence & Strategic Studies (AIDSS) in collaboration with Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS) and National Maritime Foundation (NMF) on a defence-oriented subject of “China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) & its Implications on India’s National Security” at the Amity University, Noida.
Inaugurating the Joint Seminar, Former Chief of Army Staff, Former Director VIF, General NC Vij, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM (Retd) Chief Guest for the occasion, said “today’s subject is very important especially for national security. As far as China- Pakistan Economic Corridor is concerned, we have to understand that India has a very unique and challenging security scenario. Our neighbours China and Pakistan are in deep collusion with each other for their own individual interest and because they have complementary interest, China always want to be a super power and lead the world therefore, they are quickly making efforts to move in that direction. China is the second largest energy consumer in the world, therefore they have a huge energy requirement for which they are highly dependent on Arabian Sea, which is directly under the area of influence of India. Thus they need an alternative which will take them directly to the Persian Gulf, through Arabian Sea. China has been giving huge loans to many countries and acquire their land in bargain, thus increasing their territorial boundaries”. He also lauded that Amity is providing great service to the nation through education and motivating the students for serving the country by joining the Armed Forces. Sharing his thoughts on how India should enhance its defence readiness and eventually prepare itself, he suggested that India requires huge military preparedness for which they need more money, diplomatic efforts must continue with neighbouring countries and other developed nations, Artificial Intelligence sharing must also continue and India should build mutual logistics across the coast, by way of building national defence industrial base. For any country to be strong, it is imperative to be economically strong, have dominant military power and internal political cohesion should be of paramount importance, said Gen Vij.
HE. Lt Gen KM Seth, PVSM, AVSM (Retd) former Governor Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh & Tripura said that China Pakistan Corridor is a huge project and their road initiative was started by China in 2013. Apart from the known economic benefits for which it is being promoted, it has a very strong geo political priorities that highlight the strategic interest of China and Pakistan in Central and South Asia in general and Indian Ocean region in particular. For China the development of CPEC is a major step towards projection of its power outside the borders and expansion of its territorial supremacy. However, the Corridor’s development is hindered by several problems that prevent both China and Pakistan for maximizing the full potential of CPEC like topography, ethnic conflicts and political conditions. These challenges constrain not only the progress of development but also the legitimacy of CPEC, and India is opposed to the development of CPEC.
Dr Ashok K. Chauhan, Founder President, Amity Education Group said that he always think about how to contribute in making India as a Knowledge and Global Super Power. Amity not only gives academic degrees, but we also maintain high threshold of quality learning for the students and instil good self- discipline, which we learn from the Armed Forces, remarked Dr. Chauhan.
Lt Gen Devraj Anbu, PVSM, UYSM, AVSM, YSM, SM, (Retd) said that “CPEC is basically a continental subject which connects the belt and road. We have to see that how this development will impact on the security of India and Indian Ocean”. China’s maritime capabilities was to protect the core interest of expanding its maritime strategy space or beyond its adjacent borders. It really focuses on the complex region of the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean. China wants to dominate the Indian Ocean region. CPEC is going to facilitate in dominance of Indian Ocean region and that is important for China, averred Gen Anbu.
Dr. Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University said that this Joint Online Seminar is organized towards the mission of making India a Super Power, by realising the challenges to its National Security and taking corresponding decisive actions against any perceived threat manifestation to achieve the desired peace and stability with progression. Centre for Land Warfare Studies and National Maritime Foundation are two premier think tanks for our country, that have long impact on the strategy and future of our country. This Seminar is a unique opportunity to learn from the enriching experience of the great leadership of our country, said Dr. Chauhan.
Welcoming the august gathering, Lt Gen (Dr) SK Gadeock AVSM (Retd) said “these joint online seminars veritably enhances the ‘awareness quotient’ of Amitians on strategic issues, encourages their strategic and critical thinking and motivates them to improve their ‘assimilation & rational understanding’ on national security problems, with its systemic ramifications in perspective”. He said that such Seminars enlighten and provide stimulating support to the young unignited minds in the area of Defence and Strategic Studies domain in an evolving and research driven campus of Amity University. The students and scholars of AIDSS are urged as the “Future Leaders of Tomorrow”, to exhibit their rational creativity & originality of thought process on such strategic subjects.
Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM (Retd), Former Chief of the Naval Staff shared his views and said that we have vibrant economy which is substantially dependent on the sea trade routes. Almost 85% of our energy requirements is imported by sea, so India’s future is dependent on the linkages of Indian Ocean. Similarly for China, which is an export oriented economy so the maritime dimension is vital for them. Therefore, we need to invest significantly in maritime sector. We should work to improve the productivity and efficiency of the Indian Navy, mercantile navy and infrastructure of ports. If we want to be a regional power we should look at the holistic aspects of maritime security to protect the sea lanes of communication and to provide a safe environment for ‘Blue Economy’, suggested Admiral Lanba.
Lt Gen (Dr) VK Ahluwalia, PVSM, AVSM**, YSM, VSM (Retd), delivered his talk on ‘Perceptions on CPEC and Strategic Takeaways Critical to Indian National Interests’, highlighting a realistic appraisal of the geo-strategic dimension. China- Pakistan Economic Corridor project is not a very economical and developmental project. China is using its economic, military and political strength to influence and expand its influence with in its neighbourhood. Therefore, in terms of military we need to re-calibrate our policy to China and we also need to ensure to build up our capacity and multi-dimensional military capability by way of logistics and infrastructure development which has been lagging in the past decades, said Gen Ahluwalia.
Students of AIDSS gave presentation on ‘Construction of Vast Network of Highways & Railways and its Economic Impact’, Implication on Maritime Security Strategy amongst others. The Joint Online Seminar was attended by more than 123 faculty and students from Amity Universities, former Chiefs of the Tri-Services, various dignitaries, senior veterans from the Armed Forces and other eminent citizenry from the NCR.