Kids have fun and funky sensation squashing and trampling the clay

The little hands worked smoothly and efficiently 

Kids have fun and funky sensation squashing and trampling the clay

Ludhiana: DCM Presidency School, Elementary Campus conducted online Clay Moulding Competition for the students of Prep II class. Students participated with a lot of gaiety and enthusiasm.

Under the guidance and direction of their teachers our little ones came up with their own ideas and stunning creations. The little hands worked smoothly and efficiently to fulfil their heart’s desires and fantasies.


Manipulation with clay provided an outlet for children to physically convey their emotions and reduce stress. They pounded, squeezed, rolled and blended the clay to make some unique and amazing creations like fish, roses, aero plane, flowers, fruits, caterpillar, rainbow, boat, trees, scenery, butterfly, dog, bird etc. and felt proud.


The finished product at hand was a treasure to cherish for the young ones. They experienced the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Playing and crafting with clay being kids favourite activity they learnt basic shapes techniques and gained mastery of moulding.
Head Elementary Ms Reuben Chahal said it was a great way to develop imagination and sparkle creativity to think out of the box……!!

School Coordinators Ms Ekta Singhania & Ms Sonal Arora  said that this outstanding sensory activity enhanced dexterity, gross and fine motor skills and helped to boost the self-confidence of the students.