KMV celebrates World Cancer Day by organising an awareness seminar
In the present times, dissemination of information related to cancer prevention is very important: Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi

Jalandhar, February 4, 2024: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) celebrated World Cancer Day with full zeal and enthusiasm. The celebration was jointly celebrated by the Red Ribbon Club under the aegis of Student Welfare Department & PG Department of English.
On this occasion, a seminar was specially organised to create awareness about the disease like cancer in which Dr. Aanchal Aggarwal, Consultant Radiation Oncologist, Patel Hospital, Jalandhar participated as the keynote speaker.
While addressing the students, Dr. Aanchal defined cancer and discussed in detail about its symptoms, causes and types. During this seminar organised under the theme Create a Future Without Cancer, The Time to Act is Now, Dr. Aanchal talked about the precautions against the cancer as well as its treatment and the importance of the patient being psychologically positive. She also said that serious diseases can be prevented with habits like simple lifestyle, proper eating habits & timely exercise etc. Apart from this, at the end of the seminar, she also gave answers to various questions asked by the students in a very simple manner.
Principal Prof. Atima Sharma Dwivedi expressed her gratitude to Dr. Aanchal for providing very important information to the students and lauded the efforts of Dr. Madhumeet, Dean, Student Welfare and Head, PG Department of English for successfully organising seminar successfully.