KMV Collegiate Sr. Sec. School celebrates world food safety day
Spreads awareness about safer food & better health

Jalandhar, June 13, 2022: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya Collegiate Sr. Sec School in collaboration with KMV’s NSS unit & Department of Student Welfare celebrated World Food Safety Day with full zeal and enthusiasm. The theme of the celebration was ‘Safer food, better health’. It aimed at drawing attention and inspiring actions to help prevent, detect and manage food-borne risks, thus contributing to food security. The students prepared informative and colorful charts & posters to depict the importance of healthy and balanced diet as everyone has a role to play from farm to table to ensure the food we consume is safe and healthy.
Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi congratulated all the participants and averred that it is very important people should be aware about the healthy food habits so that they may lead a healthy & happy life. She further maintained that KMV from time to time keeps on organizing such meaningful activities so that students should be made aware about the healthy lifestyle. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Dr. Madhumeet (Dean, student Welfare and Head, PG Department of English), Veena Deepak (Co-ordinator, KMV Collegiate Sr. Sec School), Anand Prabha (In-charge, KMV Collegiate Sr. Sec. School) and Collegiate faculty members for successfully organizing the activity.