KMV commemorates National Chemistry Week- 2021 with full zeal and enthusiasm

More than 850 students from all over India participate in various activities
Jalandhar, November 20, 2021: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (Autonomous) organised various competitions to commemorate National Chemistry Week-2021 (NCW) with the theme “Fast or Slow…..Chemistry Makes it Go”. The activity was organised by PG Department of Chemistry. More than 850 Students from different states of India participated enthusiastically in various competitions namely Logo making/Mask making (Digital/Physical), Video making and online quiz. The students with best logo making, mask making video clippings activities were selected and rewarded for their creative ideas. In the category of Logo making Ananya Singh, Dipika Ashok Jambhulkar and Ruchika Thakur bagged first, second and third positions respectively. In Mask making activity, Sandeep Kaur, Nisha Negi bagged first & second positions. Likewise, in the category of Video making, Nithin V.A, Kongu, Shruti Kalia, Reena Sharma secured first, second and third positions respectively. The candidates who successfully qualified the quiz were also provided with e-certificates.
Principal Prof. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that such kind of events are a regular feature in KMV as they play a pivotal role for the growth of student’s communication skills and intellectual developments. Madam Principal lauded the efforts taken by the PG Department of Chemistry for conducting such meaningful activity for the holistic development of students.