KMV organises e-symposium on industry academia interaction
There was an overwhelming response for the event

Jalandhar: In order to acquaint the students with the highlights of our New Education Policy and to counsel them regarding the prospects in our Internship embedded Vocational Degree Courses, an e-Symposium was organised on Industry Academia Interaction at Kanya Maha Vidyalaya. The e-Symposium was organised by DDU Kaushal Kendra of KMV. There was an overwhelming response for the event with the participation of almost 500 students from different states of India, CEOs from 8 Sector Skills Councils and Representatives from almost 40 Industry Partners. The event began with the Holy Lamp Lighting Ceremony. Principal Prof.(Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi, in her inaugural address highlighted the importance of skill oriented education and averred that KMV is the first college in the region to be awarded with DDU Kaushal Kendra. She further maintained that our esteemed institution is the platform for resurgence of new ideas, new ways of doing things, creator of young leaders and a place where vision is converted into on the ground reality. CEOs of different Sector Skills Councils also graced the occasion and emphasised the importance of skills enhancement in the current scenario. They appreciated the role of KMV in maintaining high quality standards in skill based education and making the students globally employable. Mr. Mohit Soni from Media and Entertainment Skills Council (MESC)appreciated the performance and progress of Animation Department of KMV. He said Punjab Film Industry was closest to his heart due to its substantial power and talent resource. Dr. Roopak Vasishth from Apparel Made-Ups and Home Furnishing Sector Skills Council (AMHFSSC), started with a word of appreciation for the outstanding progress and placements of Textile Design and Apparel Technology Department. He said that Apparel sector is the most vibrant sector and the second largest employment provider after agriculture, especially in Punjab. Ms. Nika Gupta from Retailers Association’s Skill Council of India (RASCI), expressed her gratitude to our college for providing a platform to get connected with youth. She highlighted that any course to be pursued after +2 should not only educate but also generate employment. Dr. Megha Aggarwal from Health Care Sector Skills Council said that Health Sector is most important as it impacts the life of all other sectors. Its importance was witnessed during COVID times due to outstanding role of our Health Workers. She further added that almost 1.3 million Allied Health Care Workers are required out of which 50% could be contributed by Punjab. Ms. Sohini Guha from Beauty and Wellness Sector Skills Council (BWSSC), highlighted that Beauty and Wellness industry is growing at the rate of 18%. Today it is not only a luxury but a part of personal grooming and there is a great dearth of skilled professionals in this field. Mr. Rajat Bhatnagar from NSDC under Ministry of Skills Development and Entrepreneurship, talked about DGT and NCVET. He highlighted about Skill India Platform and role of various bodies functioning abroad. The participation of high officials from leading industry partners like BYZU’s, Digitoonz, Pritam Films Production Pvt. Ltd., ITRONIX Solutions, Pantaloons, Hotel Cabbana, Punit Arora’s Design House and leading Hotels made this symposium very impactful and inspirational for the students. The industry partners addressed the queries of all students in a very clear and lucid manner. In the end, Dr. Gopi Sharma, Director, DDU Kaushal Kendra expressed gratitude to all Sector Skills Representatives and industry partners for their constant support and meticulous guidance in making the DDU Kaushal Kendra of KMV scale unparalleled heights of success.