KMV organises two day webinar series on inorganic spectroscopy under DBT Star College Scheme
The webinar was organised by PG Department of Chemistry

Jalandhar: In an another initiative, Kanya Maha Vidyalaya (KMV) organised two day webinar series on Inorganic Spectroscopy under DBT Star College Scheme.
The webinar was organised by PG Department of Chemistry. Dr. Meenu, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry, Maharaja Ranjit Singh PunjabTechnical University, Bathinda was the resource person for the webinar. More than 100 students actively participated in the webinar with full zeal & enthusiasm. During the first day, Dr Meenu enlightened the students about introduction and applications of structural elucidation of different inorganic compounds. She discussed in detail the use of group theory involved in vibrational spectroscopy to find out the vibrational modes (IR active and Raman active) of different molecules such as CO2, N2O, H2O, NSF3, cis and trans isomers etc. using the character tables and symmetry point groups.
During the second day, Dr. Meenu gave detailed introduction on “Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Spectroscopy”. She explained the effects of magnetic field on the NQR spectra, relationship between the electric field gradient and molecular structure. She elaborated the interpretation of electric quadrupole moment (eQ data) to determine the effect of crystal lattice on the magnitude of eQ4 in different molecules such BrCN, HIO3 etc. The workshop was followed by fruitful interaction with the students. The lecture was very well received by the students.
Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that these kinds of activities aids in developing scientific aptitude in the minds of the students. She further maintained that KMV from time to time keeps on organising such activities in order to impart quality based scientific education to the students. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of PG Department of Chemistry for successfully organising the webinar.