KMV organises van mahotsav week
Students organises tree plantation drives for environment conservation

Jalandhar: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya, Jalandhar organised an Online Van Mahotsav Week in order to spread awareness about the Environment Conservation & Biodiversity Conservation. The event was organised by the Department of Environment Science. During the whole week, tree plantation drive was carried out by the students of KMV in which many students participated with full zeal & enthusiasm. Students planted various plants in their home garden & pots. The major species of plants consisted mainly of medicinal as well as herbal in nature. The students opined that such tree plantation drives helps in reducing pollution, improving air quality and also improving surroundings with green ambience.
Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi appreciated the students & faculty members for this unique initiative. She averred that it is very important that the society understands the importance of environment conservation. She averred that all the students should remain in connect with this type of activities in the future also so that more awareness could be generated for this cause.