KMV organizes week long online activities to mark celebration of 6th International Yoga Day
Organizes webinar on holistic health and well being

Jalandhar: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya organized a week long online activities on Yoga from June 15-21, 2020 to mark the celebration of 6th International Day of Yoga (IDY). A week- long celebration got a befitting conclusion with a webinar based on the theme Holistic Health and Well-Being.The Chief Guestfor the webinar was PrincipalProf. (Dr.) Atima Sharma Dwivedi. The session commenced with an observance of two minutes silence for soldiers who got martyred during Galwan valley crisis followed by recitation of Gaytri mantra.
In her opening remarks Principal Prof. Dr. Atima Sharma Dwivedi in a very lucid manner emphasized the importance of Yoga as an invaluable cultural legacy of India which has received international fame by efforts of our worthy Prime Minister Shri Narinder Modi ji. She advised that everybody should take care of one’s health and one must maintain a healthy lifestyle and develop immunity by practicing Yoga especially in the present times. It was followed by an address by Lieutenant Ms.Seema Arora (NCC Officer) where she spoke on behalf of Group Commander Jalandhar Group Brigadier Advitya Madaan. Online individual yoga demonstrations and various asanas including Sadilaya, trunk movements, knee movements, yogasanas like Tadasana, Vkrasana, PadamAasana, Kapalbhati and Pranayamas like AnulomeVilome Pranayama based on Common Yoga Protocol (CYP) , which consists of 45-minute sequence of relatively simple yoga drills were done by Ms. Khayatiawasti, Ms. Pallavi Katoch Pallavi Badhanand Amanpreet Kaur (NSS volunteers and students of Department of Maths and Physical Education.
A guest performance was made by Ms. Grushi Brahme, a national winner in Yoga. Students of Fashion Designing Department of KMV stole the show by introducing a new component to yoga under the theme-‘ Make Yoga a Fashion Movement’ which was greatly applauded by the audience. Dr. Davinder highlighted the efforts of Department of Physical Education under Fit India Movement. In the conclusion, posters made on the theme of yoga by students of PG Department of Fine Arts were displayed.
Mr Yogeshwar Hans displayed creative work of their students and also announced names of the winners of the competition namely Jyotsna, Simran, Kirandeep and Kirti. The Vote of Thanks was extended by Dr Sonik Bhatia. Ms. Anand Prabha from Maths department seamlessly coordinated the whole webinar. She also circulated google forms on yoga quiz in which 1000 participation was received.
Principal lauded the efforts of NSS core group including Ms. Ashima Sahni. (In charge), Dr Sonik Bhatia,Mrs. Harpreet Kaur, Ms. Anand Prabha, Mr.Yogeshwar, Dr Davinder and Dr Iqbal Singh.