KMV’s world class library providing digital services to students
Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi throws light on it

Jalandhar: Kanya Maha Vidyalaya was the pioneer college that smoothly made its transition to the digit education so that the education of the students doesn’t get affected. In this context, the role of Balbir Raj Sondhi Library of KMV is worth mentioning. Throwing more light on it, Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi averred that keeping pace with the contemporary times, the world class library of KMV has also shifted to digital platform for the facilitation of the students. Library is providing the service of Open Access Catalogue the students through which students can easily make out as which book is available in the library. Along with this, library also has numerous online resources/ databases namely N-list, DELNET, NDLI & many other web channels broadcaster by MHRD, Government of India. All these resources are also available at college website. Facilitating the students, the library has also registered all the students on online resources platform. In a news development, the library staff is also working for online services.
Principal Prof Dr Atima Sharma Dwivedi further maintained that KMV has always taken lead in providing digital education to its students during the pandemic. Along with online classes, the students can now also take the benefits of library on digital platform as they will get all kinds of e-resources for their study in one single click. Madam Principal lauded the efforts of Mrs Hema, Librarian, KMV College for initiating many student friendly reforms.