KVK, Gurdaspur organizes village level awareness camp on paddy residue management
The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gurdaspur, organized a village level camp on “Paddy Residue Management” at village Nainokot, block Kahnuwan on October 11. About 75 farmers participated in this camp.

Ludhiana, October 12, 2023: The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gurdaspur, organized a village level camp on “Paddy Residue Management” at village Nainokot, block Kahnuwan on October 11. About 75 farmers participated in this camp.
In the camp, Dr SS Aulakh, Associate Director (T), urged the farmers to shun stubble burning practice and adopt PAU recommended technologies to manage paddy straw. Besides, he explained management measures to avoid the attack of Armyworm and Pink Stem Borer in wheat sown in paddy straw retained fields.
Dr Ravinder Singh Chhina, Professor (Agricultural Engineering), advised adopting recommended technologies for paddy straw management which include various machines like Happy Seeder, PAU Smart Seeder, Surface Seeder, Super Seeder, mulcher, baler etc.
Dr Satwinderjit Kaur, Associate Professor (Soil Science), informed the participants regarding loss of nutrients in the soil after burning of paddy straw and also highlighted the importance of soil testing.
Dr Ankush Paroch, Assistant Professor (Animal Science), gave detailed information on how to modify paddy straw to use it as animal feed.
Harwinder Singh, Sarpanch of the village, proposed a vote of thanks and assured all support for tackling crop residue burning.