KVK, Hoshiarpur organizes field day on paddy residue management
KVK Hoshiarpur in collaboration with FASC, Gangian organized a field day on paddy residue management at village Budhobarkat, Dasuya on March 22.

Ludhiana, March 25, 2022: KVK Hoshiarpur in collaboration with FASC, Gangian organized a field day on paddy residue management at village Budhobarkat, Dasuya on March 22. At the outset, Dr. Maninder Singh Bons, Deputy Director (Training), KVK Hoshiarpur urged the farmers to shun residue burning for safeguarding the environment. Dr. Bons also highlighted harmful effects of burning of crop residue burning, gave detailed information on paddy residue management machinery and technologies and exhorted the farmers to successfully pursue the noble cause of non-burning of paddy residue in campaign mode.
On this occasion, Dr. Charanjit Kaur, District Extension Specialist (Seniormost), FASC, Gangian shared improved cultivation practices for summer and kharif crops and motivated the farmers to adopt soil testing. Dr. Rakesh Kumar Sharma, District Extension Specialist (Entomology), FASC, Gangian sensitized the farmers regarding integrated pest management of summer and rabi crops. Dr. Kanwarpal Singh, Asstt. Prof. (Animal Science), KVK Hoshiarpur discussed about the disease management practices in dairy animals and use of paddy residue in biogas plant, as fuel, for mushroom cultivation and as fodder. The participating farmers were provided literature and summer vegetable seed kits for integrated nutrition gardening. Field demonstrations plots were also visited by the farmers.