Lecture entitled “Gross National Happiness in Legal Life” organised 

A lecture entitled "Gross National Happiness in Legal Life" was organised by the University Institute of Legal Studies at Panjab University Chandigarh on 21 November. 

Lecture entitled “Gross National Happiness in Legal Life” organised 

Chandigarh, November 22, 2023: A lecture entitled "Gross National Happiness in Legal Life" was organised by the University Institute of Legal Studies at Panjab University Chandigarh on 21 November. 

The invited speaker Prof. (Dr.) SaamduChetri is the Senior Director of Yogananda Ancient Indian Wisdom and Yogic Studies, Shoolini University, Himachal Pradesh. The session commenced with a welcoming note by Prof. (Dr.) Sarabjit Kaur, Director of UILS. At the beginning of his talk, Prof.Chetri engaged the audience in a meditational exercise which focused on breathing techniques. Before shedding light on the different domains of GNH (gross national happiness) in legal life, he discussed four aspects of human life which need to be governed well for a successful and happy life. He elucidated their importance by citing several examples from day to day life.

He particularly emphasized nine domains where GNH needs to be considered such as educational, governance, living standard, health, PWB, environment, time-use, community vitality, and culture. While defining GNH, he states that "it is a lens through which law students can critically examine the role of law."

Prof.Chetri motivated the audience to inculcate a good life style with special attention to their eating, sleeping and working hours.

Towards the end of his lecture, he asked the audience to join him in singing a meditational song with an aim to uplift their spirits and manage with the restlessness in their lives.

The session ends with a Vote of thanks by Dr.Kanwaljit Kaur followed by a token of respect bestowed to Prof.Chetri by the director and other faculty members.