ICAR-CIPHET Ludhiana gives licensing on `mechanized system for popping and decortications of makhana seeds’
It is also called as makhana popping and roasting machine

Ludhiana: In recent years price of makhana has increased due to increase in demand from domestic as well as foreign markets. Makhana presently is processed by traditional method which is laborious, time, consuming and causes injuries to the processor’s hands as it involves handling of hot roasted nuts manually.
Makhana processing is popularizing day by day and has a very bright potential. This prominent technology was transferred to Mr. Ajay from M/s Arkeys Scientific Instruments Company, Sehore, (M.P.) who has approached ICAR-CIPHET for licensing of this technology.
Dr. Ranjeet Singh, I/c ITMU has facilitated the event and Dr. R.K. Vishwakarma, inventor of this technology assured him that all possible help will be extended for establishment of the unit. Dr. R.K. Singh, Director (Acting), ICAR-CIPHET, Ludhiana awarded licensing certificate.