LPU organized ten of international and national webinars
Resource persons from top institutions of the US, Canada, Government, Industry interacted with and guided the participating audience

Jalandhar: Making the maximum out of lockdown period amidst Covid-19 pandemic, Lovely Professional University organized various important ‘Webinars’ not only to reach to its students and staff members but also to a much wider and interested audience globe across. Resource persons from top institutions of the US, Canada, Government, Industry interacted with and guided the participating audience. Thousands of LPU students, staff members and other participants from across the globe got benefitted. Some of the resource persons were from Maruti Suzuki India, Project Manager, Senior Academicians, Researchers, Psychologists and more. The Faculty of Business & Arts at LPU organized five of these in the first week of May 2020.
Addressing on the topic ‘Impact of Covid-19 on Indian Education System: (Getting Ready for A New Normal) and the existing higher education disruptions, an IIM graduate, Abhay Navjeet Singh of Maruti Suzuki India opined initiation of more discussions in the areas of connectivity, accessibility, teaching capacity and authenticity. Dr Surinder Kaur Narula guided about the emerging role of parenting in educating children during this pandemic. On another topic, ‘Public Policy and Agricultural Development in North East India: Past and Present’, Ms Smti Kedino Zango Project Manager M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) focused on Nagaland Project International Fund for Agricultural Development (UN Agency). She talked about the possible ways to increase agricultural production in North Eastern states, and how technological advancements can improve the agricultural production system.
Dr Yoesph Kale (Psychiatry & Addiction Medicine) of Canada discussed stress and its side effects on the human body and suggested solutions like proper scheduling of the day, planning in advance, practicing exercises of relaxation, introspection and more. Dr Dalvir Dil Nijar of USA highlighted the importance of showing some concern about other people also. Both Dr Kale and Dr Nijar talked on the ‘Management of Health, Stress, Education in response to the consequences of COVID-19. Prof Mohinder Singh of KU (Kurukshetra) addressed on the ‘Need and Relevance of Knowledge of Public Administration for Students, Citizens and Administrators. He pointed out that in the modern welfare state, the role and scope of public administration is ever expanding and all encompassing. He illustrated that some of the new trends in the areas of public administration are “Technological intervention, incorporation of new management principles, taking into accounts the needs and aspirations of the citizens as end customers and more.
In fact, in such a scenario, ‘Webinar’ is an important technology and educational toolset to let all concerned up-to-date with recent trends. With webinars, LPU is reaching out both to its students and a much wider audience through world-class experts for answering their queries in real time. Moreover, students also want to use the latest trends and technologies to cater to their immediate needs.