LPU organizing week-long Holistic Health Workshop-“Yoga for You”
Occasion is the celebration of “International Yoga Day 2021” to fall on 21st June

Jalandhar: Division of Student Welfare DSW at LPU is organizing a seven-day long holistic health workshop-“Yoga for You”. Occasion is the celebration of “International Yoga Day 2021”, which falls on every 21st June. For this, renowned resource persons including experts in Vedic Science, Psycho-Neurobics, Clinical Psychology and more are to instruct the participants. This is a free workshop specially designed for students and staff-members to upskill their mind and healthy living during existing hard times.
Different sessions on these days will cover “Sukshma Vyayama & Pranayam; Chakra Healing with psycho neurobics exercises; strengthening of emotional immunity with brain related exercises; holistic health and wellness in COVID times; Yoga for stress management; health and lifestyle boosting; and more.
Illustrative, Neurobics is the science behind brain exercises, which are meant to decrease memory loss and increase the ease of taking in and using new information adequately. It’s a fact that the brain needs to practice and get better in a variety of skills for working the very best. Besides benefiting brain and memory power, neurobic- exercises improve mood, focus, memory, and mind-set, which is to be essentially done in these pandemic days. Similarly, Clinical Psychologists are to assess mental, emotional and behavioural disorders and help people discover their strengths.
Renowned experts for the workshop are Dr Mahesh Dogra (PhD in Vedic science and Psycho-Neurobics); Prof Dr B. C. Chauhan from Central University of Himachal Pradesh; Dr Shaveta Bhardwaj (Clinical Psychologist and Counsellor from Shrimann Super-speciality Hospital); Dr Poonam Singh (PhD in Yoga and from Yog Manthan) and Dr Sorabh Lakhanpal, Head, DSW at LPU. The event is to last up to 21st June 2021. In fact, LPU is very keen to care for humanity and the society as a whole in all ways through continuous endeavours of one or the other kind.